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মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
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Citizen Charter
Our goal:
To establish Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics locally
and internationally as a national statistical institution


Our purpose:
All types of census and survey work conducted by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
at regional level (in Dinajpur, Thakurgaon and Panchagarh districts)
·       To organize
·      Provide necessary training in data collection
·       Monitoring and supervising data collection
·      To send the collected information and data to the head office in time
  Our service:
Provide information according to the needs of the users at the local level from the
publications published and supplied by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.
The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics has a rich and regularly updated website

 with a capacity of 100 MB. It has key indicators of the latest publications of the bureau. 

 Anyone can collect necessary information from this website for free. Website address: www.bbs.gov.bd.

Our customers / service recipients:

·       Government / non-government organization

·       Teacher-student


Our expectations:

·       Collaborative attitude from information providers and data users

           ·    Provide accurate information / data to data collectors in the shortest possible time

·       Monitoring and supervising data collection

·       To send the collected information and data to the head office in time


Our Publication & Service


(A) Publications:
  • Publication of monthly statistics bulletin, annual statistics pocket book and 
    year book with various necessary information of the country;
  • Conducting (1) census (2) agricultural census and (3) conducting economic census
     and publishing reports every ten years;
  • Conducting (1) census (2) agricultural census and (3) conducting economic census 
    and publishing reports every ten years;
  • Determining and publishing a monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) including food and 
    non-food items used in the daily life of the consumer;
  • Preparation and publication of month-based manufacturing industry production indicators;
  • Preparation and publication of foreign trade statistics;
  • Preparation and publication of wage rates and wage indices for workers engaged in various occupations;
  • Preparation and publication of statistics on production of different crops and 
    amount of land under cultivation and land use;
  • Preparation and publication of important health and demographic indicators;
  • Collection, compilation and publication of information on infant nutrition and the 
    condition of children;
  • Prepare and publish gender statistics to assess the socio-economic status of 
    women for development and empowerment;
  • Prepare and publish information on the poverty situation in the country by
     conducting household income and expenditure assessment survey.


(B) Website
The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics has a rich and regularly updated website
 with a capacity of 100 MB. It contains key indicators of the latest publications
 of the Bureau. Users can collect necessary information from this website for free.
 Website address: www.bbs.gov.bd.


(C) Digitalcopy:


Data collectors can collect the required information / data from the
 data archives at the head office of the bureau via CD for a fixed price. 
In addition, local / foreign individuals or organizations are provided 
free / low cost preliminary information for use in research work subject
 to the approval of the authorities.



(D) Library:

The Library and Sales Center of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics is located at 14/2 Topkhana Road,

Ansari Bhaban, Dhaka. The bureau also has a library at its head office. Readers can read in the library

on all official working days. Bureau publications are sold at the sales center. Publications are also

available from the Bureau's designated sales agents.


Our Customers / Users:

  • Government / non-government organization
  • Development partners and donors
  • Policy makers, planners and researchers
  • Teacher-student


Our Commitments:
  • Provide quality and accurate data in the shortest possible time
  • Use of modern technology in data processing
  • Provide on-demand data to make the right decisions in tackling the challenges of globalization
  • Timely and expeditious statistical activities
  • Ensuring the confidentiality of the primary information provider's information


Our Expectation:
  • Collaborative attitude from information providers and data users
  • Provide accurate information / data to data collectors in the shortest possible time
  • Constructive advice from readers / users to increase the value of statistics.