Wellcome to National Portal
মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
Main Comtent Skiped

List of services
Services provided:


  • Population Certificate
  • Census data
  • Agricultural census data
  • Economic census data
  • Enclave census data
  • Slum census data
  • Vital Statistics
  • Price and wage information
  • Accounting information for major and minor crops
  • Concerning health and democracy
  • Labor and child labor data
  • Gender statistics
  • Industrial statistics
  • Information about household income expenditure
  • Consumer Price Index Survey Information
  • GDP growth rate
  • Monthly agricultural wage rate
  • Environmental statistics
  • Poverty statistics
  • Forests, fisheries and livestock and poultry, poultry estimation survey
  • Land use and irrigation statistics
  • Survey of major crop prices and production costs
  • Tobacco Survey Information
  • Survey on the position of women
  • Maternal and child statistics
  • Districts Statistics
  • Expatriate Income and Investment Survey
  • Spotlight Survey
  • Geo Code Update
  • Information on small ethnic groups and indigenous peoples